Lord, what is man that You are mindful of him, or the son of man that You take care of him?
We’re made a little lower than the angels, but called, elected, and adopted by God to become joint heirs in the riches promised to His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus, the King of Angels, First Born from the dead; first, but not last. This is part of the inheritance He as the First Born has shared with us – the right to become Sons of God, the right to be raised again on the Last Day. Resurrected, never more to die, never more to be dying; as Jesus is, so we shall be. “And we shall be like Him – for we shall see Him as He is.”
But what are men?
We’re the highpoint of Creation – the image of the Incorruptible God, yet we are corruptible. We’ve fallen, but unlike the Angels (who once fallen are irredeemable), You have chosen by Your good pleasure to redeem us, if only we call on Your name. There’s no price we can pay for our redemption, no lifetime would be long enough to work off this debt. Our hearts are prone to wander, prone to leave the God we love…. And yet, You want us. You teach us faithfulness at the cost of breaking Your own heart each time we forget faith. But You remember our frame, that we are but dust.
What is man?
Man is the image of God in faithless dust.
What is God?
God is the Faithful Creator of dust. Sustainer of all things living. The Savior of all things redeemed and yet to be redeemed.
Humbled, all I can say is, “Lord, what is man that You are mindful of him?”
Humbled, all I can say is, “Lord, what is man that You are mindful of him?”
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