Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I'm not a happy-go-lucky optimists who doesn't know what the word "sad" means. I'm familiar first-hand with depression and its often ensuing apathy. But I’m realizing that with as incredible a God as I represent (not just to this world, but also to the spiritual realm), what a gross disservice I’m doing my Savior when I let myself wallow in despair, in essence telling satan, "You're right. I am hopeless."

When I make it about me, I have no compelling reason or ability to fight. When it's about God, I have every reason and means to conquer.


Sadie said...

P.S. – For anyone still reading this blog (not that there’s been much to read…), yes, this is a shorter and more abrupt sort of post than I have made previously, but, hey! It’s a post! Frankly, I’m less intimidated at the thought of just saying what I mean to say, even if it’s not lengthy or eloquent. My apologies to those of you who appreciate the aforementioned writing traits; not to worry though - I may occasionally still entertain your fancies. ;)

Unknown said...

Amen to your post dear! The verse that comes to my mind is: "Rejoice in the lord alway: and again I say rejoice." Love you! Thanks for posting! I think it a well written thought, so no worries there :)

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